Unfortunately, we do not take payments online. However, you can explore what we have for sale at the museum and if you’d like to purchase an item, please email us as We’ll be happy to get the item to you.
Unfortunately, we do not take payments online. However, you can explore what we have for sale at the museum and if you’d like to purchase an item, please email us as We’ll be happy to get the item to you.
Postcards - Fire Engine
Postcards (3)
A Short Walk Through San Carlos History
Through the Years
A Little Journey to San Carlos
San Carlos Stories
Note Cards Train Depot
Postcard - Historical Photos (3)
Sunset Magazine Poster
San Carlos DVD
Poster - Fire Station
San Carlosopoly Game
533 Laurel Street,
San Carlos, CA 94070
Open Saturdays, 1 - 4PM. Closed in December.
Weekday visits by appointment.